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Vadim Markel's Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

(Inverse Chronological Order)


132. I.Tsukerman and V.A.Markel
Topology of Bloch impedance: traveling waves, dispersive media, and electromagnetic energy
Journal of Optics 27(2), 025103 (2025)

131. V.A.Markel, M.Machida and J.C.Schotland
Collision expansion for the radiative transport equation: Analytical results and numerical simulations
JQSRT 333, 109311 (2025)


130. V.A.Markel
Does the quasi-static polarizability have principal axes?
JOSA A 41(7), 1304 (2024)


129. I.Tsukerman and V.A.Markel
Topological features of Bloch impedance  [AAM]
Euro Phys. Lett. 144(1), 16002 (2023)

128. H.W.Levinson, V.A.Markel and N.Triantafillou
Inversion of band-limited discrete Fourier transforms of binary images: Uniqueness and algorithms  [AAM]
ePrint: free access to Version of Record (VoR)
SIAM J. on Imaging Sciences 16(3), 1338-1369 (2023)

127. V.A.Markel
Numerical investigation of electrostatic force density in ionic crystals such as NaCl
Physical Review B 107, 104307 (2023)
Associated Codes


126. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Reduced inverse Born series: a computational study
JOSA A 39(12), C179 (2022)

125. S.H.Chong, V.A.Markel, A.B.Parthasarathy, Y.H.Ong, K.Abramson, F.A.Moscatelli and A.G.Yodh
Algorithms and instrumentation for rapid spatial frequency domain fluorescence diffuse optical imaging
Journal of Biomedical Optics 27, 116002 (2022)
Please download this article from the J. Biomed. Opt. web site referenced above (no subscription required)

124. M.J.Faulkner, J.C.Schotland, V.A.Markel and L.Florescu
Image reconstruction in non-reciprocal broken-ray tomography
JOSA A 39, 1621-1633 (2022)
Editors' Pick
Please download this article from the JOSA A web site referenced above (no subscription required)

123. V.A.Markel, M.Schöbinger and K.Hollaus
A fast method to compute dispersion diagrams of three-dimensional photonic crystals with rectangular geometry  [AAM]
Computer Physics Communications 279, 108441 (2022)
Associated Codes

122. V.A.Markel
Maxwell Garnett approximation in random media: tutorial
JOSA A 39(4), 535 (2022)
Editors' Pick
Please download this article from the JOSA A web site referenced above (no subscription required)

121. A.N.M.S.Hossain, I.Tsukerman and V.A.Markel
Homogenization of periodic structures: One layer is "Bulk"
Euro Phys. Lett. 138(3), 35001 (2022)
Editor's Choice


120. H.W.Levinson and V.A.Markel
Binary discrete Fourier transform and its inversion  [AAM]
IEEE Trans. Sign. Proc. 69, 3484-3499 (2021)
Associated Codes


119. V.A.Markel
Investigation of the effect of super-resolution in nonlinear inverse scattering
Physical Review E 102(5), 053313 (2020)

118. V.A.Markel
Balazs thought experiment and its implications for the electromagnetic force density in continuous media. Relativistic analysis  [AAM]
Annals of Physics 422, 168293 (2020)

117. V.A.Markel
What is extinction? Operational definition of the extinguished power for plane waves and collimated beams  [AAM]
JQSRT 246, 106933 (2020)


116. V.A.Markel, H.Levinson and J.C.Schotland
Fast linear inversion for highly overdetermined inverse scattering problems  [AAM]
Inverse Problems 35(12), 124002 (2019)

115. V.A.Markel
Extinction, scattering and absorption of electromagnetic waves in the coupled-dipole approximation  [AAM]
JQSRT 236, 106611 (2019)

114. I.Tsukerman, S.Mansha, Y.D.Chong, V.A.Markel
Trefftz approximations in complex media: Accuracy and applications [arXiv]
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 77(6), 1770-1785 (2019)


113. V.A.Markel
External versus induced and free versus bound electric currents and related fundamental questions of the classical electrodynamics of continuous media: discussion
JOSA A 35(10), 1663 (2018)

112. L.Florescu, V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Nonreciprocal broken ray transforms with applications to fluorescence imaging
Inverse Problems 34(9), 094002 (2018)

111. U.Tricoli, C.M.Macdonald, T.Durduran, A.Da Silva and V.A.Markel
Diffuse correlation tomography in the transport regime: A theoretical study of the sensitivity to Brownian motion
Physical Review E 97(2), 022408 (2018)

110. V.A.Markel
Two-stream theory of light propagation in amplifying media
JOSA B 35(3), 535 (2018)

109. U.Tricoli, C.M.Macdonald, A.Da Silva and V.A.Markel
Optimized diffusion approximation
JOSA A 35(2), 356 (2018)


108. C.M.Macdonald, U.Tricoli, A.Da Silva and V.A.Markel
Numerical investigation of polarization filtering for direct optical imaging within scattering media
JOSA A 34(8), 1330 (2017)

107. U.Tricoli, C.M.Macdonald, A.Da Silva and V.A.Markel
Reciprocity relation for the vector radiative transport equation and its application to diffuse optical tomography with polarized light
Optics Letters 42(2), 362-365 (2017)


106. V.A.Markel
Introduction to the Maxwell Garnett approximation: tutorial
JOSA A 33(7), 1244 (2016)
Please download this article from the JOSA A web site referenced above (no subscription required)

105. V.A.Markel
Maxwell Garnett approximation (advanced topics): tutorial
JOSA A 33(11), 2237 (2016)
Please download this article from the JOSA A web site referenced above (no subscription required)

104. H.W.Levinson and V.A.Markel
Solution of the nonlinear inverse scattering problem by T-matrix completion. I. Theory
Physical Review E 94(4), 043317 (2016)

103. H.W.Levinson and V.A.Markel
Solution of the nonlinear inverse scattering problem by T-matrix completion. II. Simulations
Physical Review E 94(4), 043318 (2016)

102. V.A.Markel and I.Tsukerman
Applicability of effective medium description to photonic crystals in higher bands: Theory and numerical analysis
Physical Review B 93(22), 224202 (2016)

101. M.Machida, G.Y.Panasyuk, Z.-M. Wang, V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Radiative transport and optical tomography with large datasets
JOSA A 33(4), 551 (2016)

100. I.Tsukerman and V.A.Markel
Nonasymptotic homogenization of periodic electromagnetic structures: Uncertainty principles
Physical Review B 93(2), 024418 (2016)

99. I.L.Rasskazov, S.V.Karpov, G.Y.Panasyuk and V.A.Markel
Overcoming the adverse effects of substrate on the waveguiding properties of plasmonic nanoparticle chains
Journal of Applied Physics 119(4), 043101 (2016)


98. I.L.Rasskazov, S.V.Karpov and V.A.Markel
Waveguiding properties of short linear chains of nonspherical metal nanoparticles
JOSA B 31(12), 2981 (2014)

97. F.Zhao, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Inversion of the star transform
Inverse Problems 30, 105001 (2014)

96. J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Radiative transport for two-photon light
Physical Review A 90(3), 033815 (2014)

95. I.L.Rasskazov, S.V.Karpov and V.A.Markel
Surface plasmon polaritons in curved chains of metal nanoparticles
Physical Review B 90(7), 075405 (2014)

94. I. Tsukerman and V.A.Markel
A non-asymptotic homogenization theory for periodic electromagnetic structures  [AAM]
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470, 2014.0245 (2014)


93. I.L.Rasskazov, S.V.Karpov and V.A.Markel
Nondecaying surface plasmon polaritons in linear chains of silver nanospheroids
Optics Letters 38(22), 4743-4746 (2013)

92. И.Л.Рассказов, В.А.Маркель, С.В.Карпов
Трансмиссионные и спектральные свойства коротких оптических плазмонных волноводов
Оптика и Спектроскопия 115(5), 753-762 (2013)
I.L.Rasskazov, V.A.Markel and S.V.Karpov
Transmission and spectral properties of short optical plasmon waveguides
Optics and Spectroscopy 115(5), 666-674 (2013)

91. V.A.Markel and I.Tsukerman
Current-driven homogenization and effective medium parameters for finite samples
Physical Review B 88(12), 125131 (2013)

90. X.Y.Z.Xiong, L.J.Jiang, V.A.Markel and I.Tsukerman
Surface waves in three-dimensional electromagnetic composites and their effect on homogenization
Optics Express 21(9), 10412-10421 (2013)
Please download this article from the OpEx web site referenced above (no subscription required)

89. H.Y.Ban, D.R.Busch, S.Pathak, F.A.Moscatelli, M.Machida, J.C.Schotland V.A.Markel and A.G.Yodh
Diffuse optical tomography in the presence of a chest wall
Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(2), 026016 (2013)


88. V.A.Markel and A.K.Sarychev
Comment on "Green's function theory for infinite and semi-infinite particle chains"
Physical Review B 86(3), 037401 (2012)

87. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Homogenization of Maxwell's equations in periodic composites: Boundary effects and dispersion relations
Physical Review E 85(6), 066603 (2012)

86. A.E.Ershov, I.L.Isaev, P.N.Semina, V.A.Markel, and S.V.Karpov
Effects of size polydispersity on the extinction spectra of colloidal nanoparticle aggregates
Physical Review B 85(4), 045421 (2012)


85. A.A.Govyadinov, G.Y.Panasyuk, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Theoretical and numerical investigation of the size-dependent optical effects in metal nanoparticles
Physical Review B 84(15), 155461 (2011)

84. G.Y.Panasyuk, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Quantum theory of the electromagnetic response of metal nanofilms
Physical Review B 84(15), 155460 (2011)

83. L.Florescu, V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Inversion formulas for the broken-ray Radon transform
Inverse Problems 27, 025002 (2011)
in 2011 Inverse Problems Highlights


82. V.A.Markel
Comment on "What is negative refraction"  [AAM]
Journal of Modern Optics 57(20), 2098-2102 (2010)
Also see:
Response by McCall et al.: Journal of Modern Optics 57(20), 2103-2108 (2010)
and my Rejoinder  [AAM] : Journal of Modern Optics 57(20), 2109-2110 (2010)

81. V.A.Markel
On the current-driven model in the classical electrodynamics of continuous media
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22(48), 11149-11165 (2010)

80. V.A.Markel
Pole expansion of the Lorenz-Mie coefficients
Journal of Nanophotonics 4, 041555 (2010)

79. M.Machida, G.Y.Panasyuk, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
The Green s function for the radiative transport equation in the slab geometry
Journal of Physics A 43(6), 065402 (2010)
See Corrigendum
Journal of Physics A 45(45), 459501 (2012)

78. L.Florescu, V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Single-scattering optical tomography: Simultaneous reconstruction of scattering and absorption
Physical Review E 81(1), 016602 (2010)

77. V.A. Markel and J.C. Schotland
On the sign of refraction in anisotropic non-magnetic materials
Journal of Optics 12(1), 015104 (2010)


76. G.Y.Panasyuk, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Short-distance expansion for the electromagnetic half-space Green's tensor: general results and an application to radiative lifetime computations
Journal of Physics A 42(27), 275203 (2009)
Associated Codes

75. M.Machida, G.Y.Panasyuk, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Diffusion approximation revisited
JOSA A 26(5), 1291-1300 (2009)

74. V.A.Markel
Correct definition of the Poynting vector in electrically and magnetically polarizable medium reveals that negative refraction is impossible: reply to Favaro, Kinsler and McCall
Optics Express 17(17), 15170-15172 (2009)
Please download this article from the OpEx web site referenced above (no subscription required)

73. V.A.Markel
Correct definition of the Poynting vector in electrically and magnetically polarizable medium reveals that negative refraction is impossible: reply to Marques
Optics Express 17(9), 7325-7327 (2009)
Please download this article from the OpEx web site referenced above (no subscription required)

72. L.Florescu, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Single-scattering optical tomography
Physical Review E 79(3), 036607 (2009)

71. V. Lukic, V.A. Markel and J.C. Schotland
Optical tomography with structured illumination
Optics Letters 34(7), 983-986 (2009)


70. V.A.Markel
Correct definition of the Poynting vector in electrically and magnetically polarizable medium reveals that negative refraction is impossible
Optics Express 16(23), 19152-19168 (2008)
Please download this article from the OpEx web site referenced above (no subscription required).

69. V.A.Markel
Can the imaginary part of permeability be negative?
Physical Review E 78(2), 026608 (2008)

68. G.Y.Panasyuk, Z.M. Wang, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Fluorescent optical tomography with large data sets
Optics Letters 33(15), 1744-1746 (2008)

67. A.A.Govyadinov and V.A.Markel
From slow to superluminal propagation: Dispersive properties of surface plasmon polaritons in linear chains of metallic nanospheroids
Physical Review B 78(3), 035403 (2008)

66. S.D.Konecky, G.Y.Panasyuk, K.Lee, V.Markel, A.G.Yodh and J.C.Schotland
Imaging complex structures with diffuse light
Optics Express 16(7), 5048-5060 (2008)
Please download this article from the OpEx web site referenced above (no subscription required).

65. J.Y.Panasyuk, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Classical theory of optical nonlinearity in conducting nanoparticles
Physical Review Letters 100(4), 047402 (2008)


64. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
On the convergence of the Born series in optical tomography with diffuse light
Inverse Problems 23, 1445-1465 (2007)

63. V.A.Markel and A.K.Sarychev
Propagation of surface plasmons in ordered and disordered chains of metal nanospheres
Physical Review B 75(8), 085426 (2007)

62. J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Fourier-Laplace structure of the inverse scattering problem for the radiative transport equation
Inverse Problems and Imaging 1(1), 181-188 (2007)


61. V.A.Markel
Comment on "Optical response of strongly coupled metal nanoparticles in dimer arrays"
Physical Review B 74(21), 216401 (2006)

60. G.Y.Panasyuk, V.A.Markel, P.S.Carney and J.C.Schotland
Nonlinear inverse scattering and three-dimensional near-field optical imaging
Applied Physics Letters 89(22), 221116 (2006)

59. V.A.Markel
Anderson localization of polar eigenmodes in random planar composites
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18(49), 11149-11165 (2006)

58. S.V.Karpov, V.S.Gerasimov, I.L.Isaev and V.A.Markel
Spectroscopic studies of fractal aggregates of silver nanospheres undergoing local restructuring
Journal of Chemical Physics 125(11), 111101 (2006)

57. G.Y.Panasyuk, J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Radiative transport equation in rotated reference frames
Journal of Physics A 39(1), 115-137 (2006)


56. S.V.Karpov, V.S.Gerasimov, I.L.Isaev and V.A.Markel
Local anisotropy and giant enhancement of local electromagnetic fields in fractal aggregates of metal nanoparticles
Physical Review B 72(20), 205425 (2005)

55. Z.M. Wang, G.Y.Panasyuk, V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Experimental demonstration of an analytic method for image reconstruction in optical tomography with large data sets
Optics Letters 30(24), 3338-3340 (2005)

54. V.A.Markel
Coherently tunable third-order nonlinearity in a nanojunction
Journal of Physics B 38(21), L347-L355 (2005)

53. G.Y.Panasyuk, V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Superresolution and corrections to the diffusion approximation in optical tomography
Applied Physics Letters 87(10), 101111 (2005)

52. V.A.Markel
Comment on the use of the method of images for calculating electromagnetic responses of interacting spheres
Physical Review E 72(2), 023401 (2005)

51. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Multiple projection optical diffusion tomography with plane wave illumination
Physics in Medicine and Biology 50(10), 2351-2364 (2005)

50. V.A.Markel
Comment on "Silver nanoparticle array structures that produce remarkably narrow plasmon lineshapes" [J. Chem. Phys. 130, 10871 (2004)]
Journal of Chemical Physics 122(9), 097101 (2005)

49. V.A.Markel
Divergence of dipole sums and the nature of non-Lorentzian exponentially narrow resonances in one-dimensional periodic arrays of nanospheres
Journal of Physics B 38(7), L115-L121 (2005)


48. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Symmetries, inversion formulas and image reconstruction for optical tomography
Physical Review E 70(5), 056616 (2004)

47. V.A.Markel, V.N.Pustovit, S.V.Karpov, A.V.Obuschenko, V.S.Gerasimov and I.L.Isaev
Electromagnetic density of states and absorption of radiation by aggregates of nanospheres with multipole interactions
Physical Review B 70(5), 054202 (2004)

46. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Dual-projection optical diffusion tomography
Optics Letters 29(17), 2019-2021 (2004)

45. V.A.Markel
Modified spherical harmonics method for solving the radiative transport equation
Waves in Random Media 14(1), L13-L19 (2004)

44. V.N.Pustovit and V.A.Markel
Propagation of diffuse light in a turbid medium with multiple spherical inhomogeneities
Applied Optics 43(1), 104-112 (2004)


43. V.A.Markel, J.A.O'Sullivan and J.C.Schotland
Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography. IV. Nonlinear inversion formulas
JOSA A 20(5), 903-912 (2003)

42. V.A.Markel, V.Mital and J.C.Schotland
Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography. III. Inversion formulas and singular value decomposition
JOSA A 20(5), 890-902 (2003)


41. M.R.Geller, W.M.Dennis, V.A.Markel, K.R.Patton, D.T.Simon and H.S.Yang
Theory of electron-phonon dynamics in insulating nanoparticles
Physica B 316-317, 430-433 (2002)
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Request a reprint by e-mail or download the article directly from the Physica B web site referenced above (subscription required).

40. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Effects of sampling and limited data in optical tomography
Applied Physics Letters 81(7), 1180-1182 (2002)

39. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Scanning paraxial optical tomography
Optics Letters 27(13), 1123-1125 (2002)

38. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography. II. Role of boundary conditions
JOSA A 19(3), 558-566 (2002)

37. V.A.Markel
The effects of averaging of the enhancement factor for absorption of light by carbon particles in micro-droplets of water  [AAM]
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 72(6), 765-774 (2002)
This paper is incorrect! Don't read it! If you do, see also Erratum  JQSRT 103, 428 (2007)


36. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Inverse scattering for the diffusion equation with general boundary conditions
Physical Review E 64(3), R035601 (2001)

35. J.C.Schotland and V.A.Markel
Inverse scattering with diffusing waves
JOSA A 18(11), 2767-2777 (2001)
See  Erratum   JOSA A 19(5), 1035 (2002)]

34. P.S.Carney, V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Near-field tomography without phase retrieval
Physical Review Letters 86(26), 5874-5877 (2001)

33. V.A.Markel and J.C.Schotland
Inverse problem in optical diffusion tomography. I. Fourier-Laplace inversion formulas
JOSA A 18(6), 1336-1347 (2001)

32. W.D.Bragg, V.P.Safonov, V.A.Markel, V.M.Shalaev, W.Kim, Z.C.Ying, K.Banerjee and R.L.Armstrong
Near-field observation of selective photomodification in fractal aggregates
JOSA B 18(5), 698-705 (2001)

31. V.A.Markel and V.M.Shalaev
Geometrical renormalization approach to calculating optical properties of fractal carbonaceous soot in the long wavelength limit  [AAM (color figures, hyperlinks)]
Version of Record (VoR)
JOSA A 18(5), 1112-1121 (2001)


30. V.A.Markel and M.R.Geller
One-phonon relaxation of localized electronic states in anaharmonic nanoparticles
Journal of Physics - Condensed Matter 12(34), 7569-7582 (2000)


29. E.Yu.Poliakov, V.M.Shalaev, V.Shubin and V.A.Markel
Enhancement of nonlinear processes near rough nanometer-structured surfaces obtained by deposition of fractal colloidal silver aggregates on a plain substrate
Physical Review B 60(15), 10739-10742 (1999)

28. V.A.Markel and V.M.Shalaev
Absorption of light by soot particles in micro-droplets of water [Preprint]
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 63(2-6), 321-339 (1999)
The numerical part of this paper contains an error. See this Erratum [JQSRT 66, 591 (2000)] and this Erratum [JQSRT 103, 428 (2007)] to Paper No. 37, which was affected by the same mistake.

27. B.Vlckova, C.Douketis, M.Moskovits, V.M.Shalaev and V.A.Markel
Toward a universal extinction spectrum of self-affine silver colloid clusters: experiment and simulation
Journal of Chemical Physics 110(16), 8080-8083 (1999)

26. V.A.Markel, V.M.Shalaev, P.Zhang, W.Huynh, L.Tay, T.L.Haslett and M.Moskovits
Near-field optical spectroscopy of individual surface-plasmon modes in colloid clusters
Physical Review B 59(16), 10903-10909 (1999)


25. S.I.Bozhevolnyi, V.A.Markel, V.Coello, W.Kim and V.M.Shalaev
Direct observation of localized dipolar excitations on rough nanostructured surfaces
Physical Review B 58(17), 11441-11448 (1998)

24. E.Y.Poliakov, V.M.Markel, V.M.Shalaev and R.Botet
Nonlinear optical phenomena on rough surfaces of metal thin films
Physical Review B 57(23), 14901-14913 (1998)
Erratum   [ Physical Review B 60(3), 2127 (1999)]

23. V.M.Shalaev, V.A.Markel, E.Y.Poliakov, R.L.Armstrong, V.P.Safonov and A.K.Sarychev
Nonlinear optical phenomena in nanostructured fractal materials
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials 7(1), 133-152 (1998)
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Request a reprint by e-mail or download the article directly from the JNOPM web site referenced above (subscription required).

22. V.P.Safonov, V.M.Shalaev, V.A.Markel, N.N.Lepeshkin, W.Kim, Yu.E.Danilova, S.G.Rautian and R.L.Armstrong
Spectral dependence of selective photomodification in fractal aggregates of colloidal particles
Physical Review Letters 80(5), 1102-1105 (1998)


21. V.M.Shalaev, E.Y.Poliakov, V.A.Markel, V.P.Safonov and A.K.Sarychev
Surface-enhanced optical nonlinearities of nanostructured fractal materials
Fractals 5(2 supp.), 63-82 (1997)
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Request a reprint by e-mail or download the article directly from the Fractals web site referenced above (subscription required).

20. V.A.Markel and E.Poliakov
Radiative relaxation time of quasi-normal optical modes in small dielectric particles  [AAM]
Philosophical Magazine B 76(6), 895-909 (1997)

19. V.M.Shalaev, E.Y.Poliakov, V.A.Markel and R.Botet
Nonlinear optics of fractal nanomaterials: small-particle composites and self-affine films
Physica A 241, 249-258 (1997)
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Request a reprint by e-mail or download the article directly from the Physica A web site referenced above (subscription required).

18. V.A.Markel, V.M.Shalaev, E.Y.Poliakov and T.F.George
Numerical studies of second- and fourth-order correlation functions in cluster-cluster aggregates in application to optical scattering
Physical Review E 55(6), 7313-7333 (1997)

17. V.A.Markel, V.M.Shalaev, E.Y.Poliakov and T.F.George
Fluctuations of light scattered by fractal clusters
JOSA A14(1), 60-69 (1997)


16. E.Y.Poliakov, V.M.Shalaev, V.A.Markel and R.Botet
Enhanced Raman scattering from self-affine thin films
Optics Letters 21(20), 1628-1630 (1996)

15. V.A.Markel, V.M.Shalaev, E.B.Stechel, W.Kim and R.Armstrong
Small-particle composites. I. Linear optical properties
Physical Review B 53(5), 2425-2436 (1996)

14. V.M.Shalaev, E.Poliakov and V.A.Markel
Small-particle composites, II. Nonlinear optical properties
Physical Review B 53(5), 2437-2449 (1996)


13. V.A.Markel
Antisymmetrical optical states
JOSA B 12(10), 1783-1791 (1995)

12. V.Shalaev, V.A.Markel, V.P.Safonov and R.Botet
Resonant optics of fractals
Fractals 2(2), 201-209 (1994)
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Request a reprint by e-mail or download the article directly from the Fractals web site referenced above (subscription required).

11. Ю.Е.Данилова, В.А.Маркель, В.П.Сафонов
Поглощение света случайными cеребряными кластерами
Оптика Атмосферы и Океана 6(11), 1436-1446 (1993)
Yu.E.Danilova, V.A.Markel and V.P.Safonov
Light absorption by random clusters of silver particles
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 6(11), 821-826 (1993)

10. В.А.Маркель
Двухфотонное и кооперативное возбуждение бесконечной цепочки хромофоров
Автометрия No.6, 3-13 (1993)
Two-photon and cooperative excitation of an infinite chromophore chain
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing No.6, 3-12 (1993)

9. V.A.Markel
Coupled-dipole approach to scattering of light from a one-dimensional periodic dipole structure
Journal of Modern Optics 40(11), 2281-2291 (1993)
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8. V.A.Markel
Scattering of light from two interacting spherical particles
Journal of Modern Optics 39(4), 853-863 (1992)
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7. В.А.Маркель
Субпуассоновская статистика однонаправленных cлучайных скачков по окружности
Автометрия No.6, 111-114 (1991)
Sub-Poissonian statistics of unidirectional random jumps on a circumference
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing No.6, 109-112 (1991)

6. V.A.Markel, L.S.Muratov, M.I.Stockman and T.F.George
Theory and numerical simulation of optical properties of fractal clusters
Physical Review B 43(10), 8183-8195 (1991)

5. В.А.Маркель, Л.С.Муратов, М.И.Штокман
Теория и численное моделирование оптических свойств фракталов
Журнал Экспериментальной и Теоретической Физики 98(3), 819-837 (1990)
V.A.Markel, L.S.Muratov and M.I.Stockman
Optical properties of fractals: Theory and numerical simulation
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 71(3), 455-464 (1990)

4. В.А.Маркель, М.И.Штокман
Кинетика двухквантового сенсибилизированного возбуждения в синглетном и синглет-триплетном каналах
Оптика и Спектроскопия 67(1), 115-121 (1989)
V.A.Markel and M.I.Stockman
Kinetics of two-quantum sensitized excitation in the singlet and singlet-triplet channels
Optics and Spectroscopy 67(1), 64-68 (1989)

3. В.А.Маркель, М.И.Штокман
Нелинейные фотопроцессы в бихромофорах. II. Коррелированные флуктуации заселенностей и интенсивности флуоресценции
Оптика и Спектроскопия 65(6), 1258-1262 (1988)
V.A.Markel and M.I.Stockman
Nonlinear photoprocesses in bichromophores. II. Correlated population and fluorescence intensity fluctuations
Optics and Spectroscopy 65(6), 743-746 (1988)

2. В.А.Маркель, М.И.Штокман
Нелинейные фотопроцессы в бихромофорах. I. Двухфотонное и кооперативное возбуждение и нелинейное тушение
Оптика и Спектроскопия 65(6) 1231-1237 (1988)
V.A.Markel and M.I.Stockman
Nonlinear photoprocesses in bichromophores. I. Two-photon and cooperative excitation and nonlinear quenching
Optics and Spectroscopy 65(6), 727-731 (1988)

1. В.А.Маркель, М.И.Штокман
Критическое (перколяционное) поведение и фрактальная размерность агрегатов в иммунологической реакции агглютинации
Биополимеры и Клетка 4(1), 35-40 (1988)
V.A.Markel and M.I.Stockman
Critical (percolation) behaviour and fractal dimension of aggregates in immunological agglutination reaction
Biopolymers and Cell 4(1), 35-40 (1988)
This paper is in Russian and has not been translated except for the title, summary and figure captions (see the above links)

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