MC-1.8 Update Sep 20, 2022 Contact E-Mail: Below refers to version number, 1.8 for this particular release ======================================================================= This package is provided 'as is'. Some functionality is not yet turned on. Solves Radiative Transport Equation (RTE) by Monte Carlo simulation in an infinite slab with vacuum outside. Computes density u(r), current J(r) and specific intensity I(r,s), where: u(r) = Int[ I(r,s)ds] -- scalar J(r) = Int[s I(r,s)ds] -- 3D vector I(r,s) -- specific intensity r -- 3D vector of position s -- unit 3D vector of direction Optical parameters are entered in arbitrary physical units called dGt [Dog Tails] All distances are specified at input and given on output in one of the following units: a) Units of transport mean free path, ell^*, where 1/ell^* = mu_a + (1-g)*mu_s b) Arbitrary physical units called dGt [Dog Tails], same as were used to define optical parameters of the medium Results are written to binary or ASCII files. The file extension .bin or .asc will tell whether the file is binary or not. Binary files can not be viewed or plotted directly. Instead, one must run the program dd.exe and specify the binary file name when prompted. dd.exe will read the binary file and produce ASCII output suitable for plotting in many different ways. Follow the interactive instructions. Files with the extension .asc can be viewed or plotted directly. They contain some basic information in the first lines commented by symbols #. This symbol indicates that the lines is a comment and not contains interpret able data by Gnuplot. If using other plotting programs, these lines may have to be removed. FEATURES: * Phase functions: a) Heneye-Greenstein phase function with arbitrary g (0.tar.gz or, un-zip or un-gzip and un-tar. This will create the directory $PREF/MC-/ where $PREF/ is the directory to which the package was downloaded. Go to the above directory. 2. Edit file named Makefile. Make sure that the compilation and link options are right for your system, etc. 3. In the directory $PREF/MC-/ type make all This will create executables in the directory $PREF/MC-/bin/. To install the executables systemwide, simply copy them to /usr/local/bin/. 4. Create a working directory (this does not have to be a subdirectory in $PREF/MC-/). A sample working directory $PREF/MC-/work/ is provided for convenience. 5. Copy sample parameter files located in $PREF/MC-/pars/ to your working directory. 6. Edit the parameter files to define the problem you are wishing to solve (see below the parameter descriptions). 7. Run the desired executable from the working directory containing properly edited parameter files. =============================== EXECUTABLES AND PARAMETER FILES =============================== Executable | What it does | Output ----------------------------------------------------------------------- mc | Computes u(r) AND/OR J(r) ! u*.bin, J*.bin, I*.bin ! AND/OR I(r,theta,phi) ! or ! in a rectangular box | u*.asc, J*.asc, I*.asc | | | | See parameter NCOMP ....................................................................... dd | Reads binary files and | Data in various | converts the data into | planes or lines through | ACII format for inspection | the medium. Follow run-time | or plotting | instructions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================== BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS =============================== FILE mc.par [LIST INCOMPLETE] ----------- 1. nmem_tot [integer*8]: Total memory in bytes to be used by an executable. The executable will not use more memory than specified by this parameter even if more physical memory is available. Also, any files written to disk will not exceed in size this amount. 2. nw [integer*8]: Number of random walkers. 3. nr [integer*4]: Length of vectors for all vector operations. Recommended value 2048. 4. nc [integer*4]: Frequency of reporting progress. Recommended value 1000. 5. seed1, seed2, seed3, seed4 [integer*4]: Seeds for random streams. Recommended values - more than 1000 each and more than 100 apart (between any two of these numbers). 6. seed5, seed6 [integer*4]: Random seeds used only if SourceType='PNTI' or 'PLWI'. FILE rte.par ------------ 1. mu_a, mu_s [real*4]: Self-explanatory. Units are arbitrary but the ratio should be correct. 2. g [real*4]: The asymmetry parameter. Self-explanatory. 3. zsmin, zsmax [real*4]: Monte Carlo process runs in a slab {zsmin<=z<=zmax}. These parameters should be given in the units of Units (see below). 4. xbmin, ybmin, zbmin [real*4]: Box in which MC statistics is computed. Must lie inside the sample. If computation is done on the surfaces, zbmin, zbmax are not referenced. 5. xbmax, ybmax, zbmax [real*4]: See Parameter #4. 6. lx, ly, lz [integer*4]: Discretization of the box for MC bookkeeping. Voxels do not need to be cubic. The volume dimensions are hx, hy, hz, where hx=xmax/lx, etc. The total number of voxels is lx*ly*lz. The codes will not run if the memory needed to allocate all 3D ararys is larger than what is specified by NMEM_TOT. Choice of voxel size does not affect the MC process, it only affects averaging over trajectories. 7. Rhomax, Lrho [real*4,integer*4]: Maximum radius and the number of cylindrical shells used for bookkeeping if UseSymmetry=T (in the volume or on the surface). 8. z0 [real*4]: Depth of the source. Must be inside the slab or on its surface. If the source is collimated and located on the surface, make sure that it points inside. 9. s0x, s0y, s0z [real*4]: The direction of a collimated source. Does not need to be normalized to unity (the code will normalize it for you). 10. Nscth, Nsphi [integer*4]: Numbers of discrete angles cos(stheta) and sphi/pi. Only used if I(s) is computed. 11. ncomp [integer*4]: Index controlling which of the quantities u(r), J(r) and I(r,s) should be computed. This parameter is allowed to take only the following values: ncomp u(r) J(r) I(r,s) 0 N N N 1 Y Y N 2 Y N N 3 N Y N 4 N N Y 5 Y Y Y If ncomp=0, MC process runs for timing purposes but no output is written and no memory is allocated. Actual calculation can take noticeably (but not dramatically) longer than the test run with ncomp=0 due to random access to the elements of arrays; this factor can depend on box discretization, compiler options and processor used. 12. SourceType [character*4]: PNTC for point collimated source PNTI for point isotropic source PLWC for plane wave (infinite front) collimated source PLWI for plane wave (infinite front) isotropic source 13. PhaseFunction [character*4]: ISO (isotropic), HG (Heneye-Greenstein), HG0 (HG with 0