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Vadim Markel's Former and Current Group Members and Colleagues

Fan Zhao, Graduate Student at UPenn, Applied Math & Computational Science, PhD 2014
Finance industry

Howard Levinson, Graduate Student at UPenn, Applied Math & Computational Science, PhD 2016
Currently, Assistant Professor, Oberlin College

Zhengmin Wang, Research Scientist at UPenn

Manabu Machida, Research Associate at UPenn
Currently, Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics, Kindai University Faculty of Engineering

Lucia Florescu, Research Associate at UPenn
Currently, Lecturer in Medical Imaging, University of Surrey.

George Panasyuk, Research Associate at UPenn
Currently, at United Energy Systems (Wright-Patterson AFB)

Alexander Govyadinov, Research Associate at UPenn
Currently at NeaSpec GmbH

Vladimir Lukic, Research Associate at UPenn
Currently, Associate Professor, Physics and Engineering Physics, Stevens Institute of Technology

Ilia Rasskazov, Visiting Scholar at UPenn.
Currently, Lead Engineer, SunDensity Inc.

Vitaliy Pustovit, Postdoc at WashU-St.Louis
Currently with the Air Force Research Lab (Wright-Patterson AFB)

Callum M. Macdonald, Postdoc at Institut Fresnel
Currently, Research Associate, Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, UCL

Ugo Tricoli, Postdoc at Institut Fresnel.
Currently, at French Aerospace Lab ONERA, Department of Theoretical and Applied Optics

Anabela Da Silva, Colleague and fellow member of the DiMaBio Group at Institut Fresnel.
Institut Fresnel and CNRS

Igor Tsukerman, A long-standing colleague and co-author.
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Akron

John C. Schotland, Advisor, Mentor, and Professor of Bioengineering at UPenn
Currently, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Yale

Mark I. Stockman (1947-2020), Group Leader and Advisor at the Institute of Automation and Electrometry (1987-1990)

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